
Admissions Procedure and Criteria

The school registers interested candidates online via link online admission After clicking registration /admission icon and providing information by the parents, the admin office follows-up using the ID number already allotted to the candidates through SMS.

New openings to all grades are announced every academic year prior to school closure for summer vacation. However, the Principal may consider granting admissions on reserved seats to those deserving students who will be joining from abroad any time of the year provided Ministry of Education (Department of Foreign and National Education) approves such admission.

Admissions are offered to everyone on first-come-first-serve basis irrespective of the nationality, color, caste, creed, race, origin and social status. The entrance test is mandatory whereas interview is aimed at assessing the general intelligence and behavior. Core subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science, Arabic/Urdu and part of General Knowledge are included for assessment and admission. After passing the assessment/evaluation the admission will be offered provisionally by issuing the folder to the qualifying students. Some specimen of the assesment of core subjects have been uploaded on our website for parents/students review in order to prepare for entry test. The school uses entry test (assessment) as a main tool for admission, however, there is still room for talented students to convince the school leaders about their potential. They can either present their past records or provide enough evidence to justify their unsatisfactory performance in entry test. However, the concerned vice principal may form a committee to decide such cases.


SAR 13,800 Annual
  • 12,000 + 1800 VAT


SAR 14,950 Annual
  • 13,000 + 1950 VAT


SAR 17,250 Annual
  • 15,000 + 2250 VAT


SAR 19,550 Annual
  • 17,000 + 2550 VAT

Admission will be considered final once the following documentations are presented:

Complete File Containing : 

  • Clearance certificate from the previous school
  • Original approval of the Ministry of Education
  • Complete set of all previous progress reports, starting Grade I (one) 
  • The evidence of “NOOR” program entries

Complete File Containing : 

  • Complete set of progress reports starting from Grade 1 (one)
  • At least two latest progress reports (if not all) certified from the concerned Department of Education
  • The evidence of “NOOR” program entries

Admissions in the Kindergarten Section

As Jawahir Al-Riyadh International School pursues on International Curriculum, we prefer and encourage parents to enroll students at an early age. Our system of education requires at 3 years pre-schooling in order for students to be adequately fluent in English language prior to promoting to grade I (one). The parents interested to admit their children in Nursery or Montessori grades need to bring their children directly for interview and physical assessment at the time of admission along with the copies of birth certificate (in order to verify the date of birth) and vaccination card. There will be oral and written assessment for the lower kindergarten (KG-I) and Upper Kindergarten (KG-II). In all cases the following age criteria will be strictly adhered to:

3 years
Lower Kindergarten (LKG)
4 years
Upper Kindergarten (UKG)
5 years


JARIS reserves the right to deny enrolments to any applicants at any time during the process in case there are reasons to believe that enrolment would not be in the best interest of the applicant or the school. As soon as the above documents are received along the prescribed fee, JARIS will take up the matter with the concerned authorities in the Education Department,( Ministry of Education) and in case the admission is not approved, JARIS will not be obligated to grant the admission and in this case the fee will be refunded.