Our Mission
Second Jawahir Al-Riyadh International School (SJARIS) has been striving for the last many years to explore and join an international trustworthy educational platform for our National and International Students to continue their higher studies without any obstacle or dilemma. Our search and investigation took a long time until we found and reached College Board, a mission-driven not-for-profit organization that connects deserving students with international systems to explore opportunities of their choice. This organization was founded in 1900 and caters to more than 6000 worldly renowned institutions.
We are thankful to College Board for their favorable consideration to declare our school their examination center and allotting us a special code. We will, however, create a separate page containing all the details of the College Board for the students and parents to deliberate.
Note: SJARIS registers interested candidates (easy-to-follow) online via www.jawahirschool.com by clicking the registration admission icon and providing needed information. The Admin Office follows up the process via a specific ID number already allotted to the candidate through SMS. Admissions are offered to all on a first-come-first-serve basis irrespective of nationality, color, caste, creed, race, origin, and social status.
However, Admissions in higher Grades are subject to the availability of seats in the respective classes..
The professionals at Jawahir believe that children have an instinctive tendency to develop skills through spontaneous learning from the inducive environment. This tendency grouped with learning environment attached to hands on knowledge helps the child to learn quickly without stress. The classrooms at Jawahir Al-Riyadh International School have been equipped with materials complementary to the age groups which stimulates the child’s interest through self directed activity. These materials are generally categorized into five basic groups: senatorial, mathematics, science, and cultural development. The selection of material by JARIS professionals and selected programs respond effectively to the child’s natural interests to develop physical coordination, self care & safe use of environment. Other practical daily life activities include practicing Islamic values, learning the Holy Quranic verses suitable & easy for these age groups. The lessons are precisely planned which direct the children with a high potential of learning aimed to complete success at this age. At primary level, the selected curriculum helps the child’s own talent of course with qualified teacher’s guidance in a very spontaneous manner that supports their independent self directed learning. There is special emphasis towards learning of English language and recognition of parts of speech. The subject materials evolve further complexity in the later programs of study development and at this stage if fosters self confidence and improves the ability to learn.
The school always lays emphasis to its daily lesson plan involving students in class work and home work tasks. Since last year, it has introduced a new scheme of methodology i.e. assigning the students different relevant assignments that gives vent to learn more, better and enhance their expressions. After assessing the students, the school points out the weak students and traces out the domain where the students lack. Moreover by involving the parents it issues the feedback letters along with their percentage on every subject and motivates them to perform better. Our school arranges parents – teacher meeting after every exam in order to support the students to learn better. It welcomes the parents to visit and meet the particular teacher and discuss all the concerned issues which, we hope, may bring good change in the students. The school is well equipped with all the paraphernalia both in Science and Computer labs. It is utilizing the skills of the teachers through multimedia, intelligence board and all audio – video aids to deliver best to the students. Library is another archive to help the students. The school has a clear cut policy for discipline. It motivates the students to follow the principles and to become role model for others to follow. This brings confidence in students and respect vice – versa. The hierarchy in the school gives opportunity to the head and the heads of different departments to play their vital role for the optimum congenial learning environment for the students and ideal teaching environment for the teachers.
We believe in consistent identification, learning, and implementation of best polices, practices, procedures keeping in view contemporary orientations.
- We recognize, respect, and valued diversity as positive learning influence in developing active thinkers 7 active learners.
- We create an environment in which continuous improvement is embedded in our culture 7 teaching for life & not for exams.
- We believe in an environment where all stake- holders are given opportunity for on-going, open, two way (listening/talking) communications.
- We believe that each employee and parent understands their roles to actively support student learning and eliminate passive thinking from teachers, parents & students.
- We believe that decisions based on facts, data, and parent/teacher inputs are in the best interest of the students.
- We believe that a safe, clean and healthy environment is necessary learning.